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2020 will perhaps go down as the most disruptive year in recent history, with no one resistant to the influence it has had, including companies assisting their clients.

This influence has been so intense that companies have nearly re-imagined all their businesses’ aspects, most notably customer experience.

Business leaders worldwide have been encountering an upward task to engage with their end customers across common touchpoints due to many reasons.

Therefore, the business now moves to the digital arena. However, most companies react to this new development with a knee-jerk reaction by forming a digital strategy in retreat to bring back the craved engagement levels.

Many companies fail to realize that even though the digital touchpoints are getting traction and a policy to handle them is vital, the customer is still the same.

Hence, having two different engagement approaches – digital and traditional – for the same customer makes presenting a poor and non-contextual experience. The purpose here is not to keep adding channels and expect your customer to like them; this has shown to be counterproductive in most circumstances.

The need of the hour is a contextual omnichannel engagement approach delivering customers a real sense of connection and meaning with every communication they have.

Companies must not forget that customer behavior keeps evolving along with concentrating on a contextual omnichannel engagement approach. Today, customers have decreased tolerance levels and lower attention spans, and hence, the window of opening has narrowed considerably. Companies will require to concentrate on engagement and put an equal amount of energy into a real-time engagement.

Reaching the customers at the moment across any touchpoint, recognizing their emotions, and delivering the most contextual experience will distinguish a company from others.

Thinking Out-Of-The-Box

Marketers have a genuine need to gather customer data currently remaining in separated silos both inside and outside their company. You can expect the best communication for each customer by knowing their requirements in-the-moment. You can achieve this by attending to every detail from customers across channels and adjust.

Understanding signs need the capacity to assess user communications during the current stage of engagement. It also demands the capability to combine one interaction to the following and add value by defining what should come next for that individual.

Today’s advanced marketing requires data contextualization with advanced personality management services that aggregate data views in real-time. It means combining the customer insight obtained from real-time data collection with advanced analytics and business reasoning to guarantee that customers always get the best offer.

Final Thoughts!

Companies need to embrace immersive marketing technology & tie the customer experience divide. Build differentiated customer experiences that can help develop and encourage customer engagement and increase confidence that sits at the center of the value exchange between brands and consumers.

Consumers need to feel in charge and ensured that the data they consign to a brand would be safe. Disposing trust-enabling technologies and backing that up with a privacy-first practice will help to intensify customer relationships.

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