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Salesforce has several features and purposes that it’s almost improbable to keep track of them all. Even the best admin is always watching for valuable clues and SFDC skills when traveling the expansive world of Salesforce. We’ve packed a list of our popular Salesforce admin abilities that every admin requires to know if they want to work quicker, smarter, and get more done! Even if you’re a brand-new Admin or new to Salesforce, you can practice these easy tricks to save time and conclude projects better.

Unintentional Emails

Seldom, when doing data loads, you may inadvertently fire emails to Users. This occurs when there are workflow customs linked to records being affected by the data load. As a consequence, Users could receive tons of involuntary emails! Salesforce can block your Users from getting tons of ‘fake’ emails by switching off email deliverability when doing data loads. You can adjust the Email Deliverability settings from All email to System email only, blocking any emails from firing based on modifications to records. Don’t neglect to turn the deliverability back when you complete the data load.

Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions are almost like tiny apps that you place on your web browser to use whenever you like. There are additions to do things like help you get commissions on products or tackle ads on websites. Some Extensions are beneficial to Salesforce Admins too! Salesforce API Fieldnames is an Extension that enables you to see the full names of Salesforce custom fields without leaving a record. LOGINS helps you efficiently handle the usernames and passwords of the different organizations you may use, like Sandbox and Production org.

Filter for Records

Do you spend tons of time attempting to find Salesforce records and wish you could filter them? If you were ignorant, ListViews could provide this for you and your organization. ListViews are simple to make and allow you to filter on nearly any field on a record. You can make your own ListViews to practice or ListViews for anyone on your side. ListViews are an effortless way to help your team stay prepared and find their records faster than ever before.

Viewing Archived Activities

In Salesforce, you can have Actions, like Tasks and Events, linked to records. You can see a record’s Activity History examine past actions associated with the record. However, when reporting, you can only enter Activities that are less than a year old. Activities that are above a year old are not removed but archived instead. Since you cannot report on them, one method to seeing archived activities is by doing an export using Data Loader. You can remove all Activities and their relevant details into an Excel file and observe the data there.

Additionally, suppose you want to see Activities that are over a year old in your org. In that case, you can post a request to Salesforce Support to raise archived days from 365 to a more significant number.

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