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Cloud is predominantly taking over the IT infrastructure and the back-office processes. It has become essential when we think about storing data; the primary location is sought out to be the cloud. Businesses have been transitioning to the cloud for some time now; to take complete advantage of advanced analytics and new-age technologies.

  • Cloud is a scalable option. It minimizes IT costs and offers significant savings.
  • Cloud provides high levels of security and promotes data integrity.
  • It provides easy connectivity and accessibility from anyplace, anytime.
  • It has a reduced risk of losing data and encourages back-ups. Also, decreasing hacker’s attacks, viruses, or any cybersecurity issues.
  • It promotes faster deployment, increased collaboration, and improved efficiency.

Oracle cloud delivers in all kinds of mediums, including on-premise, cloud, or hybrid. Enterprise applications require real-time accessibility, integrated security, serverless compute, autonomous services, etc.

Oracle Cloud is critical for the success of an organization. There are several use cases for how the organizations moved to cloud platforms and why they did it?

Implementing Oracle Cloud HCM

Emphasizing the cloud adoption stories, organizations looked for cloud adoption to address disparate systems, erratic user experience, and cost. Cost is a significant concern, followed by time consumption. Equity Residential pursued to upgrade their systems to PeopleSoft systems, making them stay ahead of their game.

The strategic and business decision to transition to the PeopleSoft platform would work across all employee life cycle phases. The decision to choose a unified cloud platform fits them perfectly for equity.

Similarly, DTCC (The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) chose Oracle to enhance their employee experience, improve security, and maintain flexibility with a cloud and on-premise infrastructure. Since the organization was on-premise, they limited upgrades and required a scalable, agile, and centralized solution. Oracle Cloud HCM offered better configuration and allowed the platform to progress along with the business at the same rate.

Oracle Cloud and On-Premise- Hybrid

Growing from the rudimentary process, UT South western’s Medical Center selected a different approach. They chose the best of both worlds by allowing their core HR processes to function on-premise in PeopleSoft.

They decided to transfer to Oracle Cloud HCM for their talent and compensation management. They are progressing towards full adoption of the cloud, meanwhile making necessary changes and gathering adequate feedback to streamline the transition.

Oracle Cloud ERP and HCM

In early 2019, Children’s Hospital and Medical Center selected to transition to Oracle Cloud ERP and HCM. They went live with the phase 1 approach. Children’s hospital was initially on the Lawson system; they are attempting to renew their old IT infrastructure and back-office processes. They started the phase-2 in 2020 by emphasizing Talent Management, Compensation Management, and Talent Acquisition with an enterprise-wide cloud platform. This approach led them to move from a localized geographical organization to a national pediatric organization.

The transition to cloud-enabled them to continue amidst COVID-19 without pausing. The virtual format helped them to complete the project on time. They took a diverse approach in aligning their HR processes with IT, finance, and evolve with a company-wide cloud-based-single source platform.


Any organization must have a specific plan when transitioning to an Oracle Cloud. The use cases strongly stress the point of sketching a crafty plan to adapt to a cloud platform and sustain it. 

It is essential to have a roadmap that enables the decision-makers to predict business outcomes and make a strategic decision to move to the cloud.

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