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Social media platforms might not be the initial thing that will hit your mind when you hear the word ‘lead generation.’ Social media produces weighable results in sales, leads, and branding. It allows enterprises high ROI, allowing them to reach a more widespread audience at a minimum expense.

Getting leads on social media helps businesses find people engaged with them. More importantly, these leads help them keep in touch with possible clients, whether to make a unique offer or share information. Social media platforms are becoming vital to developing relationships with prospects and clients during every customer life cycle stage.

Companies applying social media lead generation tactics can deliver better outcomes throughout the funnel. Be it creating brand awareness to generate conversions or deliver better sales productivity to generate more significant revenue growth.

When we speak about lead generation using social media, the following are a few essential segments to pay heed to:

  • Lead Generation
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Lead Conversion
Here are the best social media lead generation tactics that you can employ for 2021:
Social Media for Webinar Traffic

One of the most useful ways for marketers to boost video content traffic is by promoting upcoming webinars by leveraging social media’s compelling elements. Such commercials are a bane for marketers to produce engagement, conversions, and gain plenty of leads and attendees for their webinar.


Chatbots or instant messaging are in fashion and have become essential weapons for marketers today. Chatbots enable enterprises to connect with their customers better than humans can while at the same time dramatically reducing overhead expenses.

Businesses today cannot succeed by asking consumers to reach out to them in today’s omnichannel world. Instead, they must reach them where they already are.

Content Distribution

Content distribution is an integral part of lead generation when it comes to content marketing. It is not enough to create unique content until & unless you do not share it wisely. Social media has a significant bearing on the content you post. A robust social media content marketing plan can turn your brand into the limelight overnight and convert your followers into fans.

Running a Contest

Running a giveaway is an attractive way to both engage and satisfy your social media audience. Customers love to win things for free, particularly from brands they like. If you cater to your customer’s demands, they are likely to enter your contest and spread the word to others. Collecting leads through exciting competitions works because it is a great excuse to promote action.

Social Media Listening

Social media listening enables you to know your audience, likes, dislikes, online conversations, posts they follow and improve your marketing strategies. The added advantages of active social listening are online selling, brand reputation monitoring, and customer service.


No matter which social media platform you prefer to use for lead generation, it is crucial to have a precise strategy based on your target audience.

Marketers who grapple with building quality leads need to develop their social selling strategy. Creating and collecting leads on social media is a powerful method only if you know how to involve your followers. Social media users want responsive brands that provide value and build trust.

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