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The coronavirus pandemic has had a tremendous bearing on the nature of work, and the role technology plays in the workplace. Companies are forced into hurried ‘big bang’ introduction of technology and ‘tech-driven’ methods in an unusual and time-pressured way. There has been limited training on how these methods and associated technology should be introduced and integrated to accommodate the new workplace context in many cases. There is a necessity for a more thoughtful ‘normalization’ of work practices and the part technology plays. 

The accelerated migration to digital technologies induced by the pandemic will extend into the recovery. Here is how to expedite your business’s digital abilities to keep pace.

Artificial Intelligence

Several technological additions, such as intelligent data processing, face & speech recognition, have become achievable due to AI. It will be especially useful for those inside retail and supply chain industries. 

AI will help these organizations discover new purchasing patterns and give a significant experience to online customers. AI-enabled systems continuously adapt, which is very important as businesses confront and adjust to the next normal once this pandemic sinks. 

AI will frequently add to forecasting consumers’ behavior, which was barely predictable at one time, and help companies organize efficient logistics. 

5th Generation Networks

5G is the future of data & communication and the cutting edge for the whole mobile industry. Deployment of 5G networks will make zero-distance connectivity possible between people and machines.  

As massive numbers of people have been isolating, increasing working from home has been accenting networks and generating higher bandwidth needs. People have now understood the need for more high-speed data sharing with improved connectivity speeds, which would expedite the rollout of 5G technology.


The COVID-19 disaster has exhibited a general shortage of connectivity and data exchange developed into our global supply chains. Future resiliency will depend on developing lucid, inter-operable, and connective networks. 

If there were any lingering suspicions about blockchain’s value to increase businesses’ transparency, COVID-19 has all but cleared them away. 

We should see a vital learning curve at this healthcare crisis that can show us how to build transparent and connective networks. Blockchain is advancing forces around the globe to battle the virus.


Cybersecurity is indispensable for businesses, primarily whose business processes rely on data-driven technologies, ever since the General Data Protection Regulations (GDRP) and CCPA in California.

During the COVID19 pandemic lock-down, when people are forced to work remotely, it gave another incentive to implement cybersecurity practices. 

Also, there is a rise in ransomware outbreaks on health institutions and even hacking of research centers to steal any data about the potential vaccine of COVID19.

Automation and Robotics

Automation was already on the rise before Covid-19, thanks to dwindling costs, increased functionality, and an improving range of contexts in which robotics can be safely deployed.

As the pandemic set in, companies found themselves confronting a lose-lose position: shut down plants and warehouses, let business grind to a halt. 

But automation has given a solution. Businesses specializing in industrial automation and robotics have noticed a marked rise in demand as factories have clamored to find ways to keep assembly lines running.


We will see many businesses crash in the coming years if they neglect to include new technologies. They were already grappling before COVID-19 as digital transformation reshapes the way we live and do our business. 

Post COVID-19, the meaning of normalcy will transform forever. There will be an unparalleled race towards embracing technology by businesses. Technology will rise as the game-changer for the enterprise landscape in the long-term future.

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