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As COVID-19 has absorbed the greater portion of this year, the global economy’s consequences have been extensively felt. While many businesses made laudable come-back from the initial months’ impacts, there have been enduring changes in how we market brands and communicate with our customers.

Below are the most notable digital marketing transformations of 2021 that have transpired due to COVID-19:
Relating with Empathy

Considering the difficulty faced by so many companies, individuals, and societies due to the pandemic, many brands have reacted with empathy, using their company or power to do good!

Some clothing companies swiftly turned to designing and distributing masks to the public. Simultaneously, select distilleries turned their complete operations to delivering hand sanitizer in reply to a general shortage.

Many brands took to social media, extending free tutorials, free trials, or engaging content to stimulate the isolated masses’ interests! This drive is dramatically increasing positivity while helping customers connect and engage more intimately with brands.

Experiential Marketing

Especially in light of the turn away from physical events to engage with customers face-to-face, experiential marketing has been thrust into the limelight during COVID-19.

Brands that turned to digital events must innovate to keep the customer’s attention, which, as many of us can agree to, is a real hurdle when a screen distributes you.

Experiential marketing can be useful for almost any label or enterprise. Whether it is through a website, webinar, or landing page, it is about a comprehensive focus upon improving the customer experience.

For this marketing to be efficient, the experiences should be extremely personalized, managed by the customer, and multifaceted.

Paid Advertising

In the pandemic’s initial days, marketers were taking notes of the falling prices for paid advertising. Many small organizations were dragging their advertising; this discouraged competition for ads led to dramatic cost per click drops.

Considering that everyone was confined to their houses during the lockdown, traffic and search volume were up, so those taking benefit of the low CPC rates profited from a much higher ROI than before the pandemic.

With the world rising from isolation and recovering some sense of normalcy, companies are also regaining drive. While PPC will not assuredly slowdown permanently, CPC and online advertising competition continues lower than before the crisis.

Suppose you have not already blended PPC as part of your marketing policy. In that case, you may be refraining from an excellent – and amazingly affordable- chance to increase brand exposure, traffic, and sales.

Closing Thoughts!

While the world was pushed into the coronavirus hurricane, there is no disputing that digital marketing has played a significant role in helping businesses innovate to endure the crisis.

While everything remains uncertain, these trends and other emerging digital marketing improvements will help organizations and brands sustain a stable relationship with their customers.

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