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Today businesses rely extensively on data. Transaction data, purchase records, insights from social media can store precious information, make predictions, and enhance business processes. 

However, with essential data arises significant security duties as well. The last type of reputation your business would want to carry is a data breach organization. 

Salesforce is ensuring its customers’ data and implementing robust innovations that are required by companies. 

If your business manages sensitive data, contemplate these best practices for better data security:
Security Infrastructure

Salesforce uses some of the most exceptional technology for cloud security available today. When you enter the application using a Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology, it shields your data using server authentication. It ensures that your information is safe, reliable, and accessible only to authorized users in your company.

Data Sharing

When it comes to data sharing, Admins do not consider hierarchical sharing’s complexity, including how users can gain access to records. However, public groups are more straightforward to handle what gets shared.

It can often be challenging to recognize records that have been shared manually in the backend of Salesforce. An Admin can use the Developer Console to locate manually shared records. However, when the owner of these records moves, the trail gets wiped, which leads to a lack of visibility.

Security Infrastructure

Salesforce expects that cipher suites used for outbound calls adhere to security standards. Ensure that your cipher suite supports AES with 128-bit or 256-bit stream keys.

Salesforce shields your company data from other client organizations by applying a unique organization identifier linked with each user’s session.


Salesforce tracks all login attempts, including the area of the login try and the IP address. Administrators can also turn on-field records tracking to clarify field value fluctuations and the user who made the change.

  • Record Modification Fields – It gives some essential auditing data. All objects have fields to store the user’s name who built the record and last revised it.
  • Login History enables you to assess a list of successful and failed login tries for the past six months.
  • Field History Tracking allows you to automatically turn on auditing to track changes in individual fields’ values.

Salesforce contracts prevent Salesforce from obtaining customer accounts or publishing customer data stored in their platform.

For classified data such as Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Salesforce is accountable for delivering sufficient physical and technical security measures. At the same time, Salesforce customers are responsible for the integrity, usage of the data, and the type of data stored.

Salesforce has met the following compliance certifications:

  • ISO 27001/27018
  • SOC 2
  • SOC 3
  • Safe Harbor
Data Access

Object-level access decides whether a user can access a particular object, and the fields they can view on that object, and the steps they can perform.

Restricting access

Options like, Edit, Create, Read, and Delete decides which actions a user can do on the object’s records with access. Field-Level Security enables you to block certain users from viewing confidential data contained in records.

Opening up access

Options like View All and Modify All objects provide users access to all of an object’s records, despite record-level access settings.

Record-level accessdefines which records a user can view for a particular object by utilizing the below tools:

  • Role hierarchy
  • Territory hierarchy
  • Organization-wide defaults
  • Programmatic sharing
  • Sharing rules
  • Manual sharing
  • Teams
Two-factor Authentication

Defend yourself with two-factor authentication to assure that only approved personnel can log in to your cloud apps and access sensitive data. Multi-factor authentication is one of the most inexpensive yet effective ways of keeping hackers from entering your cloud applications. 


Platform encryption in Salesforce is broad and feature rich. Companies can encrypt data that’s idle, including data stored in fields and files uploaded to Salesforce. Salesforce uses probabilistic encryption applying 256-bit AES. Though Salesforce has given the client control over the lifecycle of operating the key, it is stored in Salesforce’s ecosystem.

Solutions for safe data on Cloud
  • Event logs help security analysts develop a narrative concerning network events. It helps them predict and counter security breaches.
  • Not all accounts should have total access to data stored in the cloud. Restricting cloud access through internal firewalls ensures that even a compromised account cannot get complete access.
  • An advanced firewall verifies data packet content integrity and maps the contents to identify security threats.
  • Every business needs to build data deletion policies that securely remove information from its system when migrating to a new architecture while keeping compliance.
  • Real-time monitoring of user activities can help you spot changes that vary from standard usage patterns. It indicates a breach in the system and enables you to fix security concerns.
  • Organizations should educate employees on cloud security methods to restrict internal security risks while also preparing for external ones.
  • Create organization-wide sharing rules as conditional as possible while permitting normal business functions.
  • Turn on multi-factor authentication and IP restriction for all users to reduce the risk of unapproved access in case of compromised accounts.

Inadequate security of your data in the cloud can cause significant harm to your company. Cloud storage solutions are an astonishingly handy way of storing your critical files. However, being a container of valuable data, the cloud remains exposed to undesired parties. The selection of a suitable cloud vendor and the adoption of strong security measures can go a long way in securing your data’s safety.

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