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Social-distancing and contactless everything is the need of the hour; the coronavirus pandemic has brought new necessities for a new normal. During the pandemic and in a post-pandemic world, customers are looking for a safe way to carry out their customer journeys. Whether it is at a physical retail showroom or digitally.

Reducing physical contact is a prerequisite set by government officials or the officials at the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). That said, a significant trend of the contactless customer journey has begun, and it is here to stay.

It has become imperative to accelerate all the digital options

The exponential rise of digitization in business (local or big) is necessary for people who are confined at homes. A while ago, customer service and customer experience had an entirely different agenda. Today, offering just the old options is not enough. It has become requisite for businesses to provide contactless delivery, contactless payments, curbside contactless pickups, etc.

Customers are undoubtedly prioritizing businesses that offer them a contactless customer journey. The pandemic friendly services, as referred to, is the only way to do business. Even for the most digitally resistant customers, it is a necessity to provide a contactless service.

It is relevant to all the industries

Whether is the education sector, healthcare, retail, travel, etc. The pandemic has hit hard on all the business. And a reformation is mandatory for everyone.

  • Students are getting accustomed to digital classrooms; schools worldwide are becoming digitally viable, as there is no other way to carry on with a school year.
  • Within the healthcare system, doctors enable virtual appointments, and there are vast numbers of mobile-friendly apps that have surfaced. These apps allow the customers to sit at home and consult the doctors virtually and get their prescriptions delivered home contactless(ly).
  • Retail is the most significant responder of the coronavirus pandemic. Many retailers could not manage the online order demands during the pandemic. One such is the ordering of groceries at home.
  • Flights worldwide must maintain all the safety guidelines to get back to business, from installing sanitizer stations to offering basic PPE kits and installing acrylic stations or sneeze guards for maintaining social distancing.
Digitization is no longer a convenience factor. It is a necessity

The pandemic has seen a massive shift from customers visiting a store to many of them intending to prefer digital means of permanently contacting a business. Good customer service is always a non-compromising factor in doing business. With that, post-pandemic, companies will have to steadily accelerate their digital efforts to stay relevant in the market or with their competitors.

As digitization is less expensive, businesses need to increase their efforts to transform their non-digital customers to digital customers and boost savings. That will improve customer satisfaction invariably.

It is a fast-paced world out there, adapt quickly and build capabilities

The ever-changing dynamics require businesses to be innovative, agile, and susceptible to change. It is a requisite to stay up to date on the changing customer preferences, especially during crises. The real-time insights on changing customer behavior and sentiment will allow businesses to identify time trends and establish new ideas and usability.

The rapidly changing current environment requires businesses to provide everything contactless. The minimum viable thing at this point is going contactless, while things may change sooner or later. It has become compelling for companies to offer a contactless journey to customers to remain in business.

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