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When the year 2020 dawned on us, no one on this planet, ever imagined in the wildest of their dreams that, by the third quarter of the year, we would be staring at a topsy-turvy world with an uncertain future. But alas, that’s what the world has become now.

To rewind half a year back, we all were caught off-guard with what hit us, though there was this glimmer of hope that it won’t last long. We swiftly put in place all systems, procedures, and protocols and paramount for us were 3 things: Safety, and well-being of our employees’ business continuity of our customers and uninterrupted projects’ delivery.


Today it gives me immense satisfaction that we’ve done pretty well to have navigated through the turbulent times and the better part of it is, during this global disruption, we successfully implemented three large projects along with many other mid size projects – Partner Portal deployed for a Californian based enterprise in the USA, Digital Transformation for an Investment Bank in Abu Dhabi in the Middle East, and Cloud Transformation for a large Hitech company in Sydney, Australia.


This pandemic has taught us invaluable lessons – health & safety, coping with turbulence in business, and empathy towards others in trying times. What it also taught us is, what we need to do to protect, withstand and sustain our business in a pandemic-like situation.

Nobody was prepared for this crisis, now that we know what happened, enterprises understand the value and importance of business automation, which is Digital Transformation.

If companies digitalize their operations, businesses will run on autopilot mode, and going forward, this pandemic will accelerate Digital Transformation and digital transformation will no longer be an option but essential for survival.

The businesses now understand that – Digital Transformation provides their businesses with IMMUNITY from any crisis. And Digital Transformation works like a VACCINE for their businesses from all pandemics.

At CriticalRiver we have built a DIGITAL-FIRST STRATEGY that essentially is a blue-print for Digital Transformation Implementations. And this digital-first strategy is customized for our customers in High Tech (Semiconductor, SaaS, Manufacturing), Utilities, Manufacturing, Fin-tech, Healthcare, and other industries.

I fervently hope we return to normalcy from these turbulent times soon.

Stay Safe and Healthy.

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