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There has been a second, third spike in some parts of the world, but experts predict we can flatten the curve and things begin to get normal by the end of the first quarter-2021. And when sanity prevails, from the businesses perspective, the world will undergo a paradigm shift in the new normal and one of them is a new persona – The Contactless Customer.


The customer has and will always be at the center of the universe for enterprises, for they are the reason for our existence. So, how do we re-imagine contactless customer in a touch-free new normal.

The Capgemini Research Institute surveyed over 5,000 consumers and over 1000 executives from 12 major economies: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The Key findings are:

  • 77% of consumers expect to increase their use of touchless technologies to avoid interactions that require physical contact.
  • 59% of consumers prefer using voice-based interfaces in public places such as shops, banks, and government offices
  • 66% of consumers prefer to use mobile apps at physical locations and 62% would prefer to do so even after the pandemic subsides.
  • 52% prefer facial recognition for authentication at retail stores, banks, airports, and offices during the current scenario. However, this falls to 39% in post-pandemic times.

I’ve always believed adapting to changing times is key to growth. We at CriticalRiver are gearing up for the new normal to help our clients create a contactless digital experience to their customers grow in the new normal.

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