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This week we are going to cover, why it’s equally important to be careful with your move to Lightning and what are the various challenges to this process. We are all about transparency in our company, good or bad, we like to state the obvious so that it’s out in the world and no decision is taken lightly without getting all the fact straight.

It’s true that Lightning is almost point-and-click, with highly-intuitive and flexible framework, but it does come with a set of challenges:

Touch of the human.

Human touch is something that’s inevitable and is still seen as an essential element in any development, the slightly conservative top management might have concerns about leaving everything to AI and ML. It happens. And its the job of the IT and Sales/Marketing team to make them understand the need for the shift.

ROI understanding.

Lightning is fairly new and the vote is still out on the actual ROI. You have invested in Salesforce, the team that manages Salesforce, the team that uses Salesforce and now you have to invest in one more entity, the team that knows about Lightning. And after you are done with all the processes of actually implementing the solution, training for your existing staff and starting to use the application, it will be quite a bit of dollars invested and you are still left wondering how it’s helped your company financially.

User resistance to change.

You have invested your blood, sweat, dollars and a lot of brain cells in setting up Salesforce and with the regular updates, it almost feels as if it’s a continuous process, which in all fairness is for your own good. Salesforce is complicated that way. So in comes the shiny sparkly Lightning which will require the users to start their learning process from scratch. And consultants tend to be uber expensive and you are left wondering what just happened.(On a side note, super experienced consultants at CriticalRiver are available from $22 for support in a Pay As You Go – PayG model, simple story really, read up about PayG here.)

So the user acceptance is part of the pain of migrating to Lightning.

Salesforce is still learning.

If you have been working with Salesforce for a really long time and used to certain features, there is a faint chance that it might not be available with Lightning, mind you, a faint chance only. And frankly Salesforce is all about customers and they get your pain and the list of gaps is reducing at a rapid pace.

Also, since Salesforce is busy upgrading their own Lightning, the support for your customizations might be slow, in comparison.

Sandbox woes.

Sometimes the third party applications might be slightly more complicated and they might not have upgraded their system in sync with Salesforce, which also means that if you are using these applications, there might be some missing functionalities.

So these are some of the blunt challenges faced by the world when moving to Lightning. But worry not, with CriticalRiver, we have you covered. Read about PayG.

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