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This week I would like to share a few success stories that have impacted, made enormous difference to our customers’ business and personally it has been a humbling experience for me.

I am proud to bring forward these success stories that truly embody CriticalRiver’s true spirit, passion, and commitment of our technology teams working under extreme lockdown coupled with numerous challenges of collaboration with teams working in different time zones. Some of the top-notch stories that virtually implemented during the lockdown are :

#1 Cloud Transformation

This Software Product customer was using on-premise servers, with the increased customer-base and market demands, accessing data and offering quality services to end-users proved to be cumbersome and sluggish. The need of the hour was Cloud Transformation that will significantly enhance and improve customers’ digital engagement and experience.

The team helped the customer with Microsoft Azure Cloud Transformation that enabled :

  • To scale on-demand eliminating stagnation
  • 45% cost reduction from migrating from on-premise to cloud
  • Maximum uptime enabled a 71% increase in efficiency and productivity levels
  • Reduced man-power dependency by 67%
  • Speed, agility in applications performance-enhanced customer’s digital experiences

The Customer Speaks…

“We could see a sea-change in the speed, agility, and performance levels. The change is so visible, and remarkable that we could digitally engage and deliver a superior digital experience to our customers on the fly. This is something seen to be believed”

#2 Intelligent Automation

This customer is a hi-tech manufacturing multi-national company with offices across all continents. Their challenge was a bit unique in nature. The computer systems were lying idle at different locations in large numbers, and there was absolutely no way to track, identify, and explore their re-usability option.

Our team’s innovative and out-of-box thinking ensured we deliver an intelligently automated solution that potentially solved the problem in days, what could possibly take months to achieve.

We built AI-powered Bot-Agent, installed it remotely on the computer systems to deliver Machine usage, Data in systems, CPU level statistics, and generate reports to make informed decisions. This enabled the client to

  • Reduce of manpower dependency by 82%
  • Reduce operating costs by 65%
  • Enhance operational efficiency by 71%

The Customer Speaks…

“Never imagined the Intelligently Automation Bot-Agent will make life so easy. Thank you to CriticalRiver”

#3 Digital Engagement

The customer is a large IT hardware manufacturer catering to fortune 500 companies WAN (Wide area network) and managed services hardware requirements. They were facing some key issues in areas such as :

Grey areas of processes between customers, partners, and distributors; Lack of ideal system to post updates to communities; Standard components hampering customizations in community builder.

Salesforce Community Cloud digitally transformed the enterprise and paved the way to :

  • A 360-degree view of engagements between all stakeholders
  • Enhanced brand digital experience, empowered customers, partners, and distributors with information/data on the go.
  • Dynamic content updates drastically reduced time and effort by 80%
  • 54% reduction in costs enabled significant growth in operational efficiency

The Customer Speaks…

“CriticalRiver’s Digital Transformation capabilities are top-notch. They helped us at short notice, worked on war-footing and digitally transformed our business. We truly owe to CriticalRiver for helping us re-envision our business and drive change”

Major take ways:

  • Empowering our customers with business continuity remains PARAMOUNT
  • No matter the world is under locked-down, our teams diligently working behind the scenes is a testament to our Customer-First Approach
  • Confronting pandemic challenges, working remotely, staying focused with a single-minded devotion to duty was palpable

I couldn’t have asked for more…

Stay home Stay safe

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