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Businesses are rapidly using the cloud to remodel their digital transformations. There are numerous advantages of cloud computing, including possible lower costs and quicker time to market.

However, with the cloud’s advantages, data security is among the key interests holding enterprises from adopting cloud solutions.

Cloud infrastructure can be complicated, and we all know that complexity is the foe of security. While most cloud security specialists recognize that businesses can benefit from the security solutions, organizations can also make serious errors and expose critical data and systems.

Some of the most basic cloud security risks are illegal access through improper access controls and the abuse of employee credentials.How can organizations get the advantages of cloud computing technology while still keeping data security?

Following are precautionary measures that organizations can utilize to limit cloud security vulnerabilities at the very beginning. This ranges from simple cloud security solutions such as completing multi-factor authentication to more elaborate security controls for compliance with regulatory changes.

Misconfigured Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a valuable source of seized data for cybercriminals. Despite the high stakes, businesses continue to make the blunder of misconfiguration of cloud storage, which has significantly cost many organizations. Cloud storage misconfiguration can instantly escalate into a significant cloud security breach for a company and its customers.

Insecure API

Application user interfaces (APIs) are designed to streamline cloud computing methods. Support developers to design APIs with secure authentication, encryption, activity monitoring, and access authority. Conduct entrance tests that replicate an outside attack targeting your API endpoints and get a secure code review.

Consider using SSL/TLS encryption for data-in-transit. Execute multi-factor authentication with schemas such as one-time passwords, digital identities to guarantee strong authentication restraints.

Compliance Violations

While the cloud allows ease of access, it also poses a security risk. It can be challenging to keep track of who can access the data in the cloud. Under compliance or industry regulations, organizations need to know their data storage and access control details.

Migrating your applications to the public cloud certainly doesn’t ensure regulatory compliance and usually makes compliance more complex.
The first step for compliance in the cloud is to fully examine the cloud service agreement and request cloud and data security systems from your service provider.

Loss of Control

When businesses are not conscious of how their employees use cloud computing services, they lose control of their data assets and become exposed to insider security threats.

Insiders don’t have to cut through VPNs, firewalls, or other security guards to gain access to the internal data in the cloud of an enterprise. They can instantly access delicate data in the cloud infrastructure without much trouble.

Tackling with loss of control over end-user actions demands an inspection, monitoring, escalation, post-incidence study, remediation, research, and incident acknowledgment, all of which should be blended into the company’s data security plan.

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