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The coronavirus has seriously displaced non-profit workflow, operations, seen a decline in revenue and employee crisis. Cloud-based digital solutions empower non-profit businesses and boost agile and data-driven functionalities.

Non-profit industries come across various hurdles in their day-to-day operations with legacy business processes. Variations in government laws and tax regulations can hinder funding and donation channels in non-profits. Stiff competition from peer companies can lead to losing loyal donors and influence non-profit services.

Volunteer crisis and unavailability of experienced employees limit non-profits’ revenue streams. Missing collaboration with motivated partners and incompetent resource management makes the retention of loyal donors difficult in non-profits. Inadequate technological tools and expertise do no good for the development of the non-profit cause.

Salesforce for Non-profits

It helps build enduring relationships with donors by combining diverse departments in non-profits with a modernized approach. It unites members, volunteers, employees, and donors with robust collaboration networks to add substance to non-profit objectives.

Salesforce enhances employee productivity with client-focused communications to create success stories. It automates the manual regulatory procedures to spend more time with the donors and other businesses, which promote the non-profit objectives. Non-profits that utilize Salesforce have seen an enormous jump in ROI and the capacity to engage donors.

Salesforce helps non-profit industries with donor management, fundraising, aide management, analyzing assets, personalized donor campaigns, and seamless service delivery. Salesforce optimizes employee production in non-profits through automated contact with donors and communities to develop pipelines and make accurate donation projections.

Retaining Loyal Donors

Marketing automation with tailored drives helps non-profit industries recognize donor investment strategies and engage them through essential communications.

Customized dashboards and reports house the complete donor data and optimize the donor procurement abilities of non-profits. A holistic picture of donor communications through various social media channels helps gain actionable insights into past donation history and other significant dates to give a personalized feel to donor management metrics.

Smart donor engagements build successful journeys and assist non-profit industries in gathering more funds to satisfy goals. Structured emails with compelling content to address specific donors involves them instantly. Review of donor data and giving service through any device improve donor satisfaction and develops empowering donor journeys.

The Salesforce Power
  • Salesforce optimizes volunteer productivity with automated communication tools. Modernized volunteer management with dashboards and data analytics enhance supporter engagements and develop non-profit events successfully.
  • Salesforce handles all aspects of volunteer experience. Availability of volunteer data on a centralized dashboard opens various possibilities to make more revenue.
  • Salesforce is a flexible, cloud-based application of uniting donors, volunteers, supporters, recipients, and employees to accomplish fundraising aims. Combined donor data on a consolidated database and email marketing tools enable non-profit companies to track possible donors and assure lifelong retention.
  • Salesforce develops the grant management possibilities with customized workflows to increase fundraising. Salesforce traces deadlines for grant applications and produces automated reports on the results. Additional aspects like due dates of grant terms and submissions are made easy with Salesforce.

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