One Application
deployed for
multiple services
2x Increase
in efficiency and 50%
increase in loyalty
Received the best
smart care technology
of 2022 award
The care provider business is complex and challenging, as organizations must be at the high end of performance and deliver superior care to stay relevant. The client provided a wide range of disparate services for the elderly and dealt with multiple providers. As a result, they and their customers used various apps to access services. This proved to be inefficient and cumbersome, bringing down workforce efficiency and tarnishing the brand. They needed a single APPLICATION that could assimilate APIs from all providers vis-a-vis using individual apps for each provider. Also, since the company’s consumers were primarily the elderly, using numerous applications for different services diminished the user experience. This led to poor CX, customer churn, and lower loyalty and revenue.
CriticalRiver’s experienced Digital Transformation team collaborated with the client to get insight into their challenge and design an optimal solution that was also cost-effective. The project was initiated and executed without disrupting the client’s business. We designed and built a single application that encompassed all their services. The solution features included:
- Staff from various suppliers can use SSO (single sign-on) to log in, simplifying the experience
- With a single scheduling application, users could see and change service schedules
- Ensured customer loyalty with easy to use features, design, and UI
- Android and iOS native apps for all user, including employees, clients, and family
- .Net 5 API and web application for backend support
- Swager support for API testing
- Visual Studio 2019, .Net framework 5, SQL, iOS and Android
CriticalRiver demonstrated its expertise on this project that helped the client win an award for the application. Because it was a single application, the suppliers could use a single application that comprised many APIs. The ease of utilizing the application resulted in a more extensive client base.
- The application was named the Best Smart Care Technology of 2022 by Ageing Asia Pvt Ltd
- Operations were more streamlined, and efficiency saw a 2X increase
- The use rate of the elderly increased drastically because of the app’s simplicity
- Increased customer base and customer loyalty by 50%
At the 10th Eldercare Innovation Awards, one of our project implementations garnered international acclaim. The project was named the winner of the “Best Operational Management Technology Innovation that Enables Independence, Health Monitoring, Operational Efficiency, and Care Support” category.
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