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Maturity Levels for
Service Delivery

A maturity level is a well-defined evolutionary plateau toward achieving a mature software process. Our goal is to identify the maturity level of the organization through a simple survey form and automated in-depth analysis by reading the relative data using APIs, and to help them improve the maturity level by providing recommendations and actively engaging with their teams when needed.

How are we
building it

For the survey, our initial approach is to provide it in simple form to collect responses and store them in simple sheets for further evaluation. This was further evolved into storing the responses in a relational database solution, which can be utilized to evaluate performance metrics and can be validated later by an automatic evaluation process by reading the systems. We created connectors and web hooks for a few tools and platforms so that we can easily connect to their systems and extract information via APIs, which is then converted into simple performance metric numbers.


Though the method and solution look straightforward, constructing the initial solution was a challenge. Surveys require proper questions to understand service delivery standards. Our team’s wide industry experience helped develop the questions for the survey with multiple options and equal weightage. These questions address maturity standards in areas such as “Team Agility,” “Architecture,” “DevSecOps Practice,” “Development Practices and Team Collaboration,” etc. Adopting Google Apps script for automated review, which is distinct from typical scripting, and comprehending Google Form APIs are also another challenge.